Friday, December 6, 2013

If I punched you, kicked you, beat you...

What would you have done?  Seriously, think about what you would do if I held you captive and every day, punched you, kicked you, slapped you, tortured you, starved you.  In my eyes, you were no prize, after all. You were a terrorist. You and your people threatened my comfortable way of life, my security, my wealth and family.

If after almost 30 years of this, if you were set free, what would you have done?  Where would you have gone and what would you have done?

Who could blame you for coming after me?  Who could blame you for wanting my head on a platter, for creating riots and insurrection and, frankly, taking over everything and kicking me and my kind out?

It's difficult to imagine how you would react, other than wanting some revenge, a payback, an eye for an eye.  Conversely, what would it take, after all that, to turn the other cheek?  To forgive me, to hug me and love me and trust me. to laugh and cry with me and welcome me into your home? What would it take for you to say "the past is the past, lets build a new world together?"

Nelson Mandela went through all of this and more, and not only forgave his oppressors, he taught his people to forgive them and he taught his oppressors to forgive his people.  He could have been president for life, yet he served only 2 terms. He realized that this was not about him but was about the ideals of a moral, fair and just society.  He taught love, humility, fairness, equality and justice. We are a very long way from a perfect world, but Mandela will cast a warm and gentile light along that long and difficult path in the hopes that we don't stray too far off.

God has given us so few of these rare, selfless individuals who not only see the big picture but are filled with the spirit of a loving God and embody that same love for humanity.  His lessons are timeless. His impact will be felt for generations.  Shed a tear for him today and then thank God for sending him to us.

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